Why Garden?

Why garden? Researchers in the UK examined that very question in a recent study released in the journal Cities in May 2021.

The study surveyed approximately 6,000 people regarding their attitudes about gardening and found the following:

  • An increased frequency of gardening correlated with health benefits.

  • Gardening at least 2-3 times a week maximized the benefits.

  • Pleasure though, not health, was the prime motivator to garden.

  • People with existing health issues particularly acknowledged the value of gardening.

  • Satisfaction/engagement improved as amount of green space increased in gardens.

The evidence to support gardening as a therapeutic intervention is growing by the day. In the UK, gardening is commonly accepted in social prescribing programs. Thanks to Dr. John La Puma MD for sharing this great article.

Source: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0264275121000160


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